Our Dedicated KY Lawyers Explain How a Wrongful Death Claim Can Help Grieving Families

Dealing with the death of a family member is never easy. But when that death is caused by the negligent behavior of someone else, the grieving process can be even more difficult. If your family member was a victim of a wrongful death, you may be entitled to compensation for your loss. While the compassionate attorneys at Skeeters, Bennett, Wilson & Humphrey understand that pursuing a wrongful death claim can’t bring back your loved one, they do know that financial support can help your family when you need it most.  Wrongful death claims provide more than just compensation

Through a wrongful death claim, our attorneys can hold the party that caused your family member’s death legally and financially accountable. There are several reasons bereaved families file wrongful death actions. Here, our lawyers explain why you may want to explore legal options after your tragic loss.

Negligence and Wrongful Death Claims in Kentucky

Wrongful death happens when a person loses their life due to the negligence or recklessness of someone else. If the negligence of another person or party caused your loved one’s death, such as a distracted or impaired driver, your family may have the right to pursue a wrongful death claim.

All drivers, when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle, owe other drivers and pedestrians a duty of care to drive safely. Likewise, personal and commercial property owners and lessees must take reasonable steps to maintain property in safe condition for visitors. Companies that manufacture products of all kinds must ensure the products they produce aren’t dangerous or defective.

When careless actions lead to someone’s death, the party at fault could be held legally responsible for the losses of the surviving family members. Filing a wrongful death claim is the way families can hold at-fault parties accountable for negligence in civil court, regardless of whether the at-fault party is facing any other investigations, criminal charges, or legal actions.

Minimizing the Financial Burden of an Unexpected Death in Kentucky

No amount of money can ever replace your family member or make up for your loss as a result of their death. However, the compensation sought in a wrongful death claim can provide financial support to your family during a tough time and is meant to compensate you for the damages you have suffered, including the loss of earning power of your loved one. Taking legal action can help ensure that you receive a fair settlement that will address the financial impact of your loved one’s death so you can focus on your family’s needs and try to heal.

The Financial Impact of an Unexpected Death

The death of a family member often brings with it financial expenses that families may not be able to afford. Funeral expenses and burial or cremation costs, for example, can present financial hardships that you must deal with right away. If your loved one received medical care following their injury or illness, your family might be facing medical bills. The sudden loss of your deceased family member’s contributions to your household income may make it difficult to pay your bills.

The financial aspects of your loss may not be the most important, but for many families, they are among the most urgent concerns. The stress of these financial hardships only adds to the challenges you’re facing. 

Potential Compensation for Damages

A potential settlement or financial award in a wrongful death claim can help your family better cope with the financial impacts of your loved one’s death. Kentucky law allows families to recover a variety of wrongful death damages in a claim, including the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral expenses and related costs
  • Loss of future income
  • Non-economic losses, including mental anguish, pain and suffering, loss of companionship, and loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages in some circumstances

By removing the financial pressures and other uncertainties related to wrongful death, this legal action can give you the space to focus on healing.

Getting Justice, Answers, and Closure for Your Family

Obtaining financial support through a wrongful death claim can be helpful and necessary after the death of a loved one, but it’s not the only purpose of this type of claim. You may want to take legal action because a wrongful death lawsuit can often provide families with the opportunity to:

  • Gain answers to questions surrounding how and why their loved one’s death occurred, especially if the at-fault party is trying to cover up wrongdoing
  • Secure justice and accountability, especially if the at-fault party is unlikely to face criminal charges over their actions or will likely receive a light sentence that doesn’t reflect the gravity of their actions
  • Deter the at-fault party from acting negligently in the future, potentially preventing them from causing other injuries or deaths

For many families, the opportunity to hold the at-fault party accountable and help ensure that the same tragedy doesn’t happen again will provide some level of closure.

Our KY Lawyers Can Help You Pursue Justice for a Family Member’s Death

Moving forward with a wrongful death claim can be emotionally difficult, which is why the personal injury lawyers at Skeeters, Bennett, Wilson & Humphrey work to help ensure that the process is as easy as possible for your family.

Throughout your case, you can count on our team to provide honest answers you can trust, common sense advice, and the peace of mind of knowing that your case is in capable hands. We’ll handle the legal deadlines, the paperwork, and every aspect of the claim for your family.

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